Portraits with Studio Lighting
I managed to round up enough flashes to make a make shift portrait studio in my basement. I still haven't got all the bugs worked out. I can only get the flashes to fire about half the time, so I have to have really patient models.
I also made my own soft boxes and wow do they ever look homemade but they work and that is all that matters. I taped some cardboard lined with tinfoil together to make a box that covers my flash to diffuse the light I have them taped to my flashes right now. Just think if I actually had paying costumers they would look at my homemade setup and run away. Luckily my models aren't paying me and they have to sit there patiently while I mess around with my homemade equipment.
This first one is my favorite and what inspired my to make my homemade studio. The challenge this week is "Got Milk?" We are suppose to take a picture of someone with a milk mustache. Kaylee was my very patient model.
Straw Verses Milk Mustache
Kaylee was also good enough to sit and pose while I was getting things set up. She was just in her pajamas and didn't have her hair done but I still think this turned out cute.
Here another one I took while I had everything set up. I wanted to enter a portrait for my free study this month this is what I came up with:
A Sisters Love
Notice how I didn't have Sydnie in any of my studio portraits. She would never have been patient enough for this. These two did such a good job of holding still and doing just what I asked them to do.
I also did some landscape work this week for some challenge entries. We had a challenge called wheels and I found these to subjects to take a picture of:
This is the one I ended up entering. I think the one above is a better quality photograph, but I just loved this one. I passed him when I was going down a rural road looking for broken down tractors and wagons. I just had to flip a U turn and come back around to get a shot of him coming at me. He just smiled at me and looked at me like I was crazy.
This one is for an Elements challenge. It had to include all for elements: Water, Earth, Fire and Air.
This one is for a challenge called Sentinel. You are supposed to take a picture of something then title it sentinel. So that is what I did. I don't know how sentinel this is, its probably going to score low for that reason. Oh well.
I managed to round up enough flashes to make a make shift portrait studio in my basement. I still haven't got all the bugs worked out. I can only get the flashes to fire about half the time, so I have to have really patient models.
I also made my own soft boxes and wow do they ever look homemade but they work and that is all that matters. I taped some cardboard lined with tinfoil together to make a box that covers my flash to diffuse the light I have them taped to my flashes right now. Just think if I actually had paying costumers they would look at my homemade setup and run away. Luckily my models aren't paying me and they have to sit there patiently while I mess around with my homemade equipment.
This first one is my favorite and what inspired my to make my homemade studio. The challenge this week is "Got Milk?" We are suppose to take a picture of someone with a milk mustache. Kaylee was my very patient model.
Straw Verses Milk Mustache
Kaylee was also good enough to sit and pose while I was getting things set up. She was just in her pajamas and didn't have her hair done but I still think this turned out cute.
Here another one I took while I had everything set up. I wanted to enter a portrait for my free study this month this is what I came up with:
A Sisters Love
Notice how I didn't have Sydnie in any of my studio portraits. She would never have been patient enough for this. These two did such a good job of holding still and doing just what I asked them to do.
I also did some landscape work this week for some challenge entries. We had a challenge called wheels and I found these to subjects to take a picture of:
This is the one I ended up entering. I think the one above is a better quality photograph, but I just loved this one. I passed him when I was going down a rural road looking for broken down tractors and wagons. I just had to flip a U turn and come back around to get a shot of him coming at me. He just smiled at me and looked at me like I was crazy.
Road Hog
This one is for an Elements challenge. It had to include all for elements: Water, Earth, Fire and Air.
A Wind in the Rushes
This one is for a challenge called Sentinel. You are supposed to take a picture of something then title it sentinel. So that is what I did. I don't know how sentinel this is, its probably going to score low for that reason. Oh well.
These next two are not challenge entries, just ones I took for fun. I am taking a portrait a week for a side challenge I am in. This was last weeks entry. They are not judged they are just for fun. Sydnie looked so cute in her towel after taking a bath I decided to snap a few shots of her using natural light from the window. I like how they turned out.
These next two are not challenge entries, just ones I took for fun. I am taking a portrait a week for a side challenge I am in. This was last weeks entry. They are not judged they are just for fun. Sydnie looked so cute in her towel after taking a bath I decided to snap a few shots of her using natural light from the window. I like how they turned out.