Wednesday, June 22, 2011


This time all I have to post are challenge entries. I have actually been really busy with paying photo shoots but I don't have them ready to post yet so you will have to make do with my challenge entries.

This first one is one of my favorites. I had so much fun putting it together, its actually a combination of 7 photos taken by me. The challenge was to create something that no one has ever seen. Don't ask me how I came up with this idea but it was fun figuring out how to get the idea out of my head and into a photograph. Brianne was my main model for this one. She got to pose climbing a ladder, and laying sideways in a bathtub. Kaylee helped me by dropping a rock in the wine glass to get a shot with a splash.

"Swimming in Wineglasses"

This next one I took in California, I actually have a couple I like better than this one but I may use them for an upcoming challenge so I will wait to post them.


This one is kind of silly, not really my favorite, but others seemed to like it. It scored well.
"Our Family Tree"

This one was for a Calendar Challenge. We had just come home from an 11 hour drive from California. I only had a couple hours to think of something shoot it and edit it. Luckily I had these props on hand and bribed my model with bubble gum. I was trying to go for an "Anne Geddes" look. I was in such a rush it didn't turn out quite how I wanted but it did fairly well anyway.

"May Flowers"

This one I had fun with. It was for a challenge called "lighter that air". I had kaylee jump on a small trampoline I hid in the weeds. We had to do a ton of takes to get one that looked right. The balloons just wouldn't cooperate. But Kaylee seemed to have fun jumping on the trampoline, so for once my model didn't complain.

"Take Off"

This one was for a challenge called "Honey" it did okay, not my favorite shot to do, but I learned a lot about lighting.

"Honey in Still Life"

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Oh Baby!

So this week I got to do an infant photo shoot. They always take a lot of time and patience. It took awhile to get this little 2 week old little girl to sleep but when she finally did, I got some cute ones.

Here she is with her mommy:

I took a bunch more but these were my favorites:

This one I took on my way to photograph something else, I saw this view and had to stop and photograph it.

And I suppose I should include this one since I won a ribbon with it. I don't know how, I think its kind of a weird and boring shot. I guess everyone else just did worse than me. The challenge was "what is in your fridge" I won 3rd place with this spectacular shot of my fridge.

"What I wish the inside of my refrigerator looked like."