Sunday, September 19, 2010

My 365 project begins.....

I've been thinking about doing this for a long time, the idea is to take a picture everyday for a year, in hopes of improving your photography skills. I finally decided to take a photography course. I found a free podcast on itunes called photography 101. It was really helpful, I learned so much about my camera and how to use it. It has also encouraged me to take some photos, and use some techniques I probably wouldn't have tried. I probably won't post everyday, but save a few pictures up for a bigger post once a week or twice a month. Here are a few pictures I have done in the last few days to get me started.

My sweet Sydnie. In this one I was trying out multiple things I had learned. First aperture, that is what gave the blurry background, second white balance I learned how to set the white balance to get the colors just right. Also I have started shooting in RAW, and wow what a difference in photo quality! You have to have software to process the picture on your computer, but usually you can get a free version on your cameras website. I used photoshop.

This is actually a picture I took months ago, but learned a cool processing technique called HDR. This is fake HDR I learned from a tutorial online for photoshop. I think the results are really cool!

This was a study on macro photography and aperture. I did not edit this photo one bit just a little cropping and that it. Its amazing what the right settings in manual mode and shooting in RAW can do.

This was a study in night photography, I learned how to keep your shutter open on bulb mode. You can leave the shutter open as long as you want. I left this one open for 30 seconds at an aperture of 5.6 ISO 200. I didn't have a tripod so I had to make do with a fence post, it turned out pretty good despite.

Okay I didn't take this picture. My niece Whitney sent me this picture to play with some overlay techniques. This one has a combination of techniques applied. First I did the fake HDR technique, then I applied a scrapbook paper layer in photoshop, in overlay blending mode. I think it turned out pretty cool here is the before:

P.S. Whitney your photos are on the way. Sorry, I had them all done, then I learned this new technique, and saw the picture you bought for your frame, and had to try and copy the technique.


  1. Hey Jenn,
    Julie forwarded the link to your Website. Your photos are great! I am going to check out your tutorial links. Thanks for sharing!
    Jordan Odom

  2. Jenn- It's Audrey's sister Emily. I was wondering if this is a business for you and if so, what do you charge to play with color on some pictures of my wedding? Call me.
