Friday, July 8, 2011

It's been awhile so get ready for a bunch of photos

I have been slacking a bit on updating my photos, it doesn't mean I'm not taking any. I have been really busy with it lately I just haven't been around on the weekends to post my pictures like I usually do.

I was really excited about this first one. I got 1st place with it and also received my highest score to date. The challenge was "Country Music Titles" and was expert editing, which means you can combine multiple photos as long as they were taken by you during the challenge dates. This shot consists of 4 different photos, one is the main background with me in it. The second is the clock, the third is the moon and the fourth is a picture of a topiary multiplied and re sized several times. Everything was taken during the daytime but editing to look like night, I even added a few stars to make it more convincing.

Walking After Midnight

These next few of Kaylee were not used for a challenge except the last one of the set which is in black and white. I just loved them so much I had to include them here.

This is the one I used for the challenge, I had to use black and white because it was basic editing and I couldn't do much to it. The colors just didn't look right without help of more advanced editing techniques. So I converted it to black and white. The challenge was to make a six word story with a picture.

Storms of Life Come...Just Smile

This next set of Sydnie were taken for the high key challenge. She was not very happy during the shoot I was just going to give up but I decided to take a few of her crying and thought they turned out kind of cute.
This is the one I went with:

align="center">I managed to get 1 before she started throwing a fit, but I didn't use it because the focus wasn't sharp enough.

My kids and I took a field trip to the copper mines for this challenge. The challenge was to take a photo that might appear in a National Geographic magazine. I was a little surprised at how well this ended up doing. The wind was blowing so hard I could barely hold the camera still even on a tripod. So I was happy to see I got one usable one.

Turning a mountain inside out, 150 years of mining copper.

And this next one may look familiar to some of you. The challenge was to re-take a challenge photo and make it better. I decided on this one because I thought the first one was a great idea but I just didn't have the know how or the equipment to pull it off last time. This time I improved my score by a whole point and got an honorable mention.

Rosie the Riveter

This was for a challenge called "Sepia" you had to take a picture that would benefit from using a sepia tone. This did fairly well, I really like it though and may print it out to hang in my house.

This was my free study entry for June. I was in love with this photo. It did fairly well but not as well as I would have hoped.

This last one was for a tripod challenge. You had to take a photo that made it obvious you used a tripod. Which basically means a long exposure. I went back to my favorite place on the lake and got this one. I did pretty well with it and got in the top 10.

Finally this one I didn't end up using for a challenge, I was going to use it for sepia but my peer group thought the gourds would do better. I still like it though.

1 comment:

  1. Jen, you are seriously so talented!!!!! I am amazed with some of these pictures. My husband and I were in awe. Just beautiful!!!!
