Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hooray! I won at last!

I finally feel like I might be getting somewhere with my little hobby. I finally won a ribbon for one of my photos! I entered this photo of Kaylee in a challenge called "Got Milk" and I got 3rd place! I got this little ribbon next to my picture and my photo is on the front page of the dpchallenge website for a whole week! So check it out

My ribbon winning entry:

I am also entered in two other challenges at the moment. This one is doing really well. I am a little surprised because I made a huge mistake when photographing it with my settings. It caused the photo to be really grainy. I had my camera tied to the basement ceiling so I wasn't aware I had it on the wrong setting until the photo shoot was over. I did my best to fix it in editing, but the quality just isn't right. I think its a good idea though, and probably why its getting a pretty good score. The challenge was called "what doesn't belong"

Which one of these kids is doing their own thing?

This next one is for a challenge called "leading lines" there is suppose to be a line in the photograph that sort of moves you through the photograph. I took so many pictures for this, of all sort of different subjects, and just wasn't happy with any of them. This one was finally the one I settled on. It's doing reasonably well. I actually entered a color version but this was the version I would have liked to have entered. I just couldn't get it right, and ran out of time before the deadline was up. Oh well.

Around the bend

Here is another shot of the same area, this is what it looks like in color.

This is the one I really wanted to enter. I love it! But some of the friends and mentors didn't think it fit the challenge theme well. It's kind of different but I think this would make a great wall hanging. In fact I think I am going to print this out and hang it in my front room. I love that it is neutral and will go with my decor.

Here is another one they didn't like. I like it, but not as well as the one above. Mostly because of the building in the background. I may edit it out and see what I think.

This is one I took just for fun. I was trying out a new (used) lens a friend gave me. I really played with the editing on this one. Different but fun.

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